Sunday, November 13, 2016


its been 3 years since my last post and that's why i called it reunion. okay, so in this post i really want to tell u all my stories since 2013. maklumin kalo bahasanya campur sama bahasa indonesia karena aku orang indonesia (ya terus?) ehehehe....

okay! 2013............ it was a really absurd year for me. sorry if i skip some stories cause i forgot what happened in that year #peaceout
of course i passed my junior high school and went to senior high school. i went to SMAN 5 Denpasar or people usually called it SMANELA. i used to think that asik banget jadi anak sma, bisa terang-terangan bawa kendaraan ke sekolah haha.  i finally began my senior high school life. karena terlalu asik sama pergaulan smp yang solid banget, pas masuk sma di denpasar tuh rasanya aneh banget. seriously. it feels like i wouldn't get a friend here. tapi setelah berjalan satu semester, baru keliatan tuh aslinya (wkwk udah kaya apaan aja) ternyata anak-anak denpasar juga asik kok! tapi tetep aja ya kan dimanapun kalian berada pasti ada 'real friends' & 'fake friends' *ups. di awal masa smaku di denpasar, aku sempat 'terjebak' dalam pergaulan yang salah, tapi untungnya itu ga bertahan lama. waktu awal masa smaku, aku seing banget ngerasain yang namanya kangen sama pergaulan semasa smp. but even my junior high school friends and i got separated by senior high school distance, we still make contact to each other (till now actually). kita masih sering ngumpul bareng walaupun semua udah punya kesibukannya masing-masing. and i'm thankful for that! biasanya kalau semua lagi ngumpul, pasti aja ada sesi curhat tentang sma masing-masing (terutama dari yang sekolah di denpasar karena mostly sekolahnya di kuta). waktu aku kelas 10 dan ditanya mau ikut ekskul apa, sebenernya aku sempet dilema antara softball dan pers. tapi aku ragu-ragu ikut softball. kenapa ragu-ragu? soalnya, to be honest, aku gatau softball itu apa wkwkkwkw so i decided to choose pers/journalism as my extracurricular. about my relationship? i used to have one. and it ends in november 22nd 2013. don't ask me to tell you the full story and who's my boyfie that time. the point is that i can't moved on in the rest of 2013 (don't ask me why).

next, 2014....
forget about what happened in 2013, lets move on!
in the middle of my 10th grade, i met someone who changed my life. Natasha Althea Findiarni. or usually called Findi or Natasha (the one that i called 'kecil'). she's my best friend, my best partner in almost everything, my sister from another mother, my teacher in softball thingy (haha) she was born in January 5th 1998. she's bigger than me, but smaller than me(?) by the way, she's a huge fan of one direction! we first met because of our English test, she asked me what my answers are and so do i. as i said before, i went on dilemma between softball and journalism when i choose my extracurricular for the first time. and finally my choice goes to journalism. Natasha is the person behind my choice to choose softball as my second extracurricular. why do i said second extracurricular? because when i choose softball, i am still the member of the journalism club. she told me about softball's basics, about how strong is the friendship between the members of smanela's baseball and softball club, the trophies that bsclima got, the chance to play as a bali's softball player, or even indonesia's, and many other things. in the beginning of my 11th grade, i started my softball activities. time flies, i fell more into softball and someone who 'catch' my heart. before i started my softball activities, i already admires him as a catcher for smanela's baseball team. just admires him, not more. and when i started my softball thingy, he asked the newbies who's come into the journalism's bazaar and i said i was the committee of that bazaar and of course i'll come after the practice finished. he asked me curiously that time. we got closer and finally we declared ourselves as a couple on august 2014. but sadly, this relationship only lasts for 1 month but i cant moved on for almost 2 years. (again, don't ask me why)

by the way, here's one of my picture with Natasha.....

this picture was taken when we were in the 12th grade when we did our photoshoot for our yearbook hehe.....

lets move to 2015!!!!
this year is a lil-bit flat year for me because nothing 'too-memorable' happened and i don't know why when i write this i just forgot what happened to me in 2015 hehehehe i'm so sorry guys hehehe..
but here's the one story that i won't forget......
i had a terrible incident. this happened to me and one of my friend. it happened at 6p.m while we were back to the school after we took some stuffs from our friend. in that time, i was the one who drove the motorbike and we passed a new building at my school. our destination is going to the school field. and that building is really near to the field. i didn't know that there's slippery sand and suddenly we fell to the ground. i thought there's nothing happen on us until my friend said that there's something wrong with her leg (in the beginning i cant see what's wrong because she closed it and i thought her leg was just got bruise) i forced her to open her leg and............................. her leg was broke. yes, broke. b-r-o-k-e. i left her for a moment and i ran into the field, searching for my coaches (because we were doing our softball practice that day). my coaches took her to the hospital, i stayed at school in tears and of course feeling guilty to her and her family. around 7p.m i came to the hospital, i met her family and i beg for their forgiveness in tears. they said that its okay and it's not my fault because it was an accident. but in my deep thoughts it's still my fault and i deserve a punishment for this. i already got a punishment from my classmates and i know i deserve it. (i won't tell you what's the punishment, it's just for me and i won't share it) how lucky i am, Natasha is still right there for me in my worst time. she knows all my deep thoughts, how do i feel, how to make me strong, she knows how to cheer me up. i really thank her for everything. okay, back to the story. after 3 weeks (i think), she's back to school with that metals on her leg's bones. everything went so awkward between us. after 2 months, we started to talk again and i think my punishment for that incident is over...

the year that full of stars
this year is my adventure of a lifetime (i'm a fan of Coldplay by the way!)
this year i finally graduated from SMAN 5 Denpasar, but my adventure begins when i just graduated from smanela. in the beginning, i planned to take my college in Bandung at one of a private university. but somehow, i changed my mind to take my college at a state university and my choice goes to Brawijaya University (or well known as UB). i took Information System as my study program. it was really hard to get into this university, i tried through SNMPTN & SBMPTN but i FAILED huhu:( and i finally tried through SPMK (i told myself that this is my last chance to reach my 'target') AND I DID IT! I'M ACCEPTED AS ONE OF UB'S STUDENTS! YEAYYYY!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY! (okay enough wkwk) daaaannnnn sekarang aku menjalani hari-hariku sebagai mahasiswi semester 1 (maba.. iya, maba.. m-a-b-a.. yang baru selesai ospek ituloo, yang (katanya) tugasnya masih sedikit, yang (katanya) (lagi) masih bisa santaiiii wkwk) Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya Malang (yeayyy!! *applause*) about relationship? hmmmm kasi tau ga yaaaaaaa....... hahahaha
okay, so i'm taken. i'm in a relationship with my first (and hopefully the last) love, my one and only Hardy Padmayudha Nugraha. or usually called Yudha or Hardy (but i usually called him my fluffy-tummy boyfie) jadi yudha itu 'my first crush' (udah kaya iklan body cologne wkwk) terus gatau kenapa rasaku ke dia gabisa ilang gitu sampe sekarang hehe.. banyak hal yang kita laluin sampai akhirnya bisa bareng-bareng lagi. makanya, sekarang kita lebih menghargai satu sama lain karena (balik lagi) kita menghargai proses yang sudah kita lalui untuk bisa bareng-bareng lagi. dan kita sama-sama tau kalau prosesnya itu engga gampang. aku sama yudha (sampai tulisan ini dibuat) udh jalan lagi selama 6 bulan kurang lebih (ntar lagi brojol *eh #salahfokus) alhamdulillah, hubungan kita lancar-lancar aja.. wkwk
ini dia foto si fluffy-tummy.....

maaf yah ini fotonya kecurangan sosial, perutnya ga keliatan, tp perutnya emg bener-bener worth kalo dikasi julukan fluffy-tummy kok, trust me wkwk

okay, i'm done with this reunion post. c ya on my next post! enjoy & byebyeeeee!!

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